Trees, we’ve grown 78,000,000 of them over the years.

Whether it’s a full scale production forest, native reclamation, a firewood stand or anything in between, we’re here to help with our experience, thoughtful understanding and relentless pursuit of high standards to ensure your project is successful.

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Each year we grow a range of forestry species for large and small scale planting projects. These species include Pinus Radiata, Eucalyptus, Redwood, Cupressus and many others. If you’re wanting to plant a species you’re unable to find we are always open to growing trees on contract provided we are confident they are suitable for the application.

Pinus Radiata: Our largest crop - reaching numbers in the millions every year, Pinus Radiata is New Zealand’s most commonly grown forestry species. We grow range of different seedlots from Control Pollinated and rooted cuttings to Stand Select. This means you can rest assured that you have the right trees for the application whether your project is large scale production forest destined for lumber on distant sures or simply for firewood.

Alternative Species: Every year we grow a range of Eucalypts, Redwoods and other alternative forestry species. If you’re wanting an outside the box solution we’re here to talk you through what options would best suit your cause.


New zealand natives

After 20 years of producing nursery grown NZ natives for projects all over the country we are now developing a new approach. Taking both of what we’ve learned for the literature and what we’ve picked up over the past 2 decades we are now creating native planting systems that are developed with both the future and sustainability in mind.

On Spec: Each year we have a range of natives in varying sizes which are available for purchase. See our product selection guide for further information.

On Contract: If you have a large native project we can grow tree contract specifically for you.


Hedging & shelter

Whether you’re a farmer looking to create some protection for your stock or beautify your land, or an orchardist that needs to protect their crop - we’ve got you covered. Growing upwards of 30,000 hedging plants a year we produce a variety of species including Cryptomeria, Casuarina, Pittosporums and many others.

For advice on the best trees to plant for your application talk to us today.